For online shopping payments via credit cards, your credit card details (card number, security code, and the expiration date) should be complete and accurate; you must use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or virtual credit card; your card limit must be available; the card must be available for online purchases; and it must be authorized in 3D Secure system. If these requirements are met and if no internet connection problems arise at the time of the payment, the process goes through smoothly. If you continue to have problems, please contact your bank.
For online shopping payments via BKM Express, your user name and password should be complete and accurate; your credit cards or virtual cards must be defined to BKM Express; your card limit must be available; the card must be available for online purchases; and it must be authorized in 3D Secure system. If these requirements are met and if no internet connection problems arise at the time of the payment, the process goes through smoothly. If you continue to have problems, please contact your bank and/or BKM Express.
Thank you for your evaluation.