From Kızılay, take the road for İçcebeci, and proceed to Dikimevi over the road in front of Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi. Pass the Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi and arrive at Abidinpaşa-Tuzluçayır. At Tuzluçayır, turn onto Natoyolu Avenue. At Tuzluçayır, turn onto Natoyolu Avenue.
From Çankaya, Oran, Birlik Mahallesi and Kırkkonaklar, take the orbital highway towards Elmadağ, onto Doğukent Boulevard. Proceed along the Boulevard to reach IKEA Ankara.
From Batıkent, Yenimahalle, Demetevler and Etlik proceed towards Ulus. At Ulus, turn left at the Altındağ Belediye Binası, towards Talatpaşa Avenue. Pass the Zekai Tahir Burak Doğum Hastanesi to reach Dikimevi. Then pass the Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi to arrive at Abidinpaşa-Tuzluçayır. At Tuzluçayır, turn left onto Natoyolu Avenue. At Tuzluçayır, turn left onto Natoyolu Avenue.
The Samsun road would be another option for those coming from Batıkent. On the orbital highway from the direction of Samsun, pass the Bayındır Barajı, turn onto Boğaziçi Mahallesi, and take the Doğukent Boulevard. On the boulevard, you’ll see IKEA Ankara right across from the Metro Grossmarket.
From Eryaman and Sincan, turn onto the Konya road from the Istanbul road. At Keklikpınarı junction turn left and drive to the TRT Oran junction. Pass down Çankaya-Yıldız Mahallesi to reach Doğukent Boulevard. Proceed along the Boulevard to reach IKEA Ankara.
When coming from Antalya, Eskişehir, Çayyolu, Yaşamkent, Ümitköy, Hacettepe, Bilkent or METU, leave the Eskişehir road for the Konya road. At Keklikpınarı junction turn left and drive to the TRT Oran junction. Through Çankaya-Yıldız Mahallesi, turn onto Doğukent Boulevard. Proceed along the Boulevard to reach IKEA Ankara.
From Keçiören and Aydınlıkevler, take the Samsun road and turn to Boğaziçi Mahallesi before proceeding towards Doğukent Boulevard. On the boulevard, you’ll see IKEA Ankara right across from the Metro Grossmarket.
When coming from Adana, Mersin, Aksaray, Konya, Gölbaşı or İncek, turn towards Oran-Çankaya to arrive at TRT Oran junction. Pass down Çankaya-Yıldız Mahallesi to reach Doğukent Boulevard. Proceed along the Boulevard to reach IKEA Ankara.
Mass transportation:
Ege Mah.-ODTÜ(323), Ege Mah.-Lojman-Kızılay(330), Ege Mah.-Dikimevi(334), Y.Abdal-Ulus(336), Metehan-Siteler(337), Ege Mah.-6.Cad.-Sıhhiye(338), Ege Mah.-Sıhhiye-Ulus(339), Ege Mah.-DDY(340), (339) Ege Mah.-Kızılay(341), Akşemseddin-Su Deposu-Sıhhiye-Ulus(351), Boğaziçi-4.Cad-Ulus(353) buses.
Saturday - Sunday
(159) Gölbaşı TOKİ - IKEA route
To arrive by dolmuş:
Use the Ulus-Mamak-Kayaş line.
Thank you for your evaluation.