How to design your perfect SKYTTA sliding door solution?

Save space, create new space or hide space with SKYTTA sliding doors. The door frames and rails are available in three different colours and can be combined with panels from the PAX range to create a personalised solution. Made to run between the ceiling and floor, so no wardrobe frames are needed.

They can be used with all our storage systems, so you are guaranteed to find something that fits the space you have available. Choose a sleek, minimalistic door or an industrial looking glass door to set the style of your room. The SKYTTA sliding door system has a 10-year guarantee.

How to design your perfect SKYTTA sliding door solution

Step 1 – Take measurements and check that the ceiling and walls are level

Our doors are available in two heights, but even if your height is slightly lower, or much higher, we have a solution for you. The heights of the doors are 1960 mm and 2310 mm.

Measure the width and height of your room. Make sure you measure the height in at least three places as the ceiling or floor might be slightly uneven. It is important that you measure the exact location where you will place your doors.

Uneven or angled surfaces need to be adjusted before the doors are installed, for example, if you place SKYTTA sliding doors against a sloped ceiling.

Measure the width (1, 2) and height (A, B, C) of your space. Be sure to measure the height in at least three places, as the ceiling or floor may be slightly uneven. It is important that you measure the exact location where you will place your doors and that every surface is straight.

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Uneven or angled surfaces must be adjusted before the doors are installed, for example, if you place SKYTTA sliding doors against a sloped ceiling. Don't forget about the skirting board or the crown molding. We recommend to always remove or cut them, or there will be a gap between the door and the wall. We recommend the use of a stop bar.

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Step 2 – Ceiling, walls and sloped ceilings

Our doors are available in two heights, but even if your height is slightly lower, or much higher, we have a solution for you

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Image 1) The doors fit perfectly!

Normal assembly with doors and rails. The rails add 9 cm to the doors and can be adjusted +/- 6 mm.

Image 2) Just a little space left above the doors

Compensate the ceiling height with distance pieces against the ceiling. Not sold at IKEA.

Image 3) Plenty of space left above the doors

Compensate the ceiling height with SKYTTA ceiling height reducer and cover panels, or contact a carpenter for a customised solution.

Image 4) The doors are too high

It is possible to cut the doors and panels. Please note that this option is not applicable for glass or mirrored glass panels, as the glass is tempered and will split into tiny pieces. This step needs to be done by a professional carpenter with the appropriate tools.

How to plan - sloped ceilings

The SKYTTA ceiling rail must be mounted on a flat surface which is parallel with the floor. It cannot be mounted directly on to a sloped ceiling. If you want to install SKYTTA sliding doors on to a sloped ceiling, you need to add an extra piece of wall which is wider than the width of the rail and which creates a 90 degree angle to the wall.

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Step 3 – Choose between two widths of doors

You can choose between two widths of doors. They are placed next to each other with a slight overlap so that there will not be any gap between them. That’s why you need to count on a width that’s slightly smaller than the door.

The formula to use is as follows:
98 cm × amount of 102 cm wide doors+ 73 cm × amount of 77 cm wide doors+ 4 cm = the total width of the solution

The extra 4 cm is to compensate for the fact that there’s no overlap in the ends of the solution. Here’s a table of the most common combinations and their total width already counted.

These widths are counted with the recommended overlap. But if your space is just a little narrower it’s of course possible to have a bit more overlap, or less if that’s the case. Just remember that a big overlap will show through the doors if you choose glass panels.

How to plan - SKYTTA overall width

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Example of some combinations

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How to choose colours and panels

The SKYTTA sliding door frames comes in white, aluminium and black and you can combine them with all the panels from the PAX range. Either go with a matched solution or create a strong impact with contrasting finishes, it’s all up to you!

The panels are sold in a package of 4, so for each SKYTTA door you choose, you also need one package of panels. There’s a wide variety of colours, materials and finishes to choose from and you can mix them any way you like.

Just keep in mind that some of the panels have a different colour or finish on the backside, something that might be good to know if you are planning a solution where you see the doors from both sides.

See all sliding door for walk-in wardrobe

Step 4 – Pick the right amount of rails

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When you have decided on the amount of doors, you pick the rails. Each rail is 2 m long and can be joined and then cut to the correct length to match the width of the doors. They are available in the same finishes as the door frames – white, aluminium and black.

The rails come in two versions, a 2-track and a 3-track.

If you have chosen 3 doors, we recommend using the 3-trackrail so that it’s possible to slide all the three doors behind eachother and get an opening as big as possible. If you have chosen 2, 4 or more doors, we recommend usingthe 2-track rails

Step 5 – Frame the doors with a stop bar

A stop bar is a good way of creating a frame around your sliding doors, as well as providing an extra protection for the wall. It can be placed above the skirting board or fitted inbetween as the illustration shows.

Don’t forget to measure the thickness of your skirting board, as that can differ from style and brand.

Our SKYTTA stop bar is available in white and comes in two widths to match the rails. It’s 18mm thick and 240cm high with the possibility to cut to desired height.

Cut the skirting board and crown molding so that the stop bar fits between the floor and ceiling. The stop bar could be placed above the skirting board, in which case you need to measure the skirting board as the thickness vary from brand and style.

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It’s possible to use the doors without the SKYTTA stop bar as shown in this illustration or use a customised solution. Keep in mind that walls can be slightly uneven if you let the doors run against the wall, which can cause gaps.

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Step 6 – Plan using the SKYTTA planner

Once you have taken measurements and know roughly what you want, you can design your personalised solution using the SKYTTA planner. You can then add the products to a shopping list that you can purchase online or take in to a store.

Click for SKYTTA planner

And just like magic, you have more room with the same space

Thanks to the SKYTTA sliding door system, you can create a home office in the living room or a spacious walk-in closet in the bedroom by using these floor-to-ceiling sliding doors. Make it truly your own by choosing the colour you like the most.

See panels for SKYTTA sliding doors
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sliding door for walk-in wardrobe, aluminum-white paper effect 39,450 Add to Basket


pouffe, beige 2,499 Add to Basket
IKEA-skytta 14z

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Sliding doors for an elegant and stylish space

Sliding doors are great for creating a calm and organised look in your space and you can use the space behind the doors as a bedroom. You can also organise your space using boxes and integrated lighting. Start exploring.

Click for all SKYTTA Series
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