Assembly Address: City, District and Neighborhood

Please enter the details on your receipt or e-invoice regarding the order with your assembly service request. When selecting Online Store, please enter the order number of your purchase for which you want to purchase assembly service, and transcaction number when you select a store. Please enter the details on your receipt or e-invoice regarding the order with your assembly service request. You can find the transcaction number on your receipt and e-invoice.

You can only add the orders in the last 6 months to your assembly list. If your order is older than 6 months, please dial 444 4 532 to get information about purchasing the assembly service.


Billing Details

The assembly service is only available for selected products. Please select the products you want to get the assembly service. You can have the assembly service only for the selected products.

Transaction No


Article Number Piece(s) Amount Assembly
Product Description Transaction No Article Number Piece(s) Title
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Please select to see the content specific to your delivery location for your orders from Online Store.